Saturday, September 3, 2016

News » New site feature: announcement bar

I’ve added a new feature to the Aww, Feathers! website. In a few places around the site you may notice a small banner (like the one to the right). A few pieces of info about this new feature:

Q: Does this mean you’re bringing back ads to the site?
A: No. As long as our minimum Patreon goal is met each month, there will be no 3rd party ads on the site.

Q: What will appear on these banners?
A: These banners will be used for announcements and reminders related to Aww, Feathers!

Q: I don’t like them. Can I hide them?
A: Yes you can. If you’d prefer not to see them, just press the little minus sign (-) above the banner, then click the plus sign (+) to show it again. The website will remember your decision, unless you switch browsers or clear your cache.

Q: Does it track whether I hide or show it?
A: No. The banners use what’s called local storage to keep track of your preference. It doesn’t get set to me nor is it tracked in any way.

Q: I don’t see any banners/they aren’t working properly.
A: If you have ad blocking software installed, it’s possible it might be blocking this too. Which is cool if that’s what you want, but you might consider whitelisting if you want to see them. Another possibility is that the script just isn’t working properly. If you’re experiencing any problems with this feature, please leave me a comment or email me at

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

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