Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Super Jardenn and Scarbo

A commission for I finished, just in time for Halloween! Pink is... actually kind of a cool color for a superhero outfit.
Have a fun and safe Halloween y'all!

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Comic » Inktober - Dilawar and Dylan

Added Just Now

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Jacob Sweater Meme

I did this one for a good friend of mine, dijin777. Poor Jacob got one a few sizes too small, lol!

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

Dilawar Sweater Meme

Dilawar, pulling off that weird sweater thing... actually pretty well! Looks like it was made for him! 😆 Dil's not technically my fursona, but he's my only OC for which wearing only this sweater (as the meme directs) wouldn't have been be inapropro, lol! 😅
Curious about Dilawar, the blue-banded pancock? Learn more about him and his story on the webcomic Aww, Feathers! In fact, here's a chapter about him:… (Never mind the grumpy dalmatian on the first couple pages of the chapter. Dil shows up pretty quick!)

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Comic » Inktober - June and Jude

Added 7 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Comic » Inktober - Mally and Manny

Added 3 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Monday, October 15, 2018

News » What I've been up to...

Clear back in May I let you all know I was leaving my job as a software developer to give self-employment a try. I gave you a bit of a status report last month. Consider this a follow up.

<i>Big Plans: Aww, Feathers! Book 2</i> is in its final review stages. Just making sure every i, t, p, q, and all the letters in between are dotted, crossed, and minded! As before, you can reserve your copy of Book 1 or Book 2 (or both!) by heading over to!

Over the past couple of months, I've been looking into some freelance programming work. I have very strong programming skills, particularly in front-end game and app development. I created as a sort of blog/digital portfolio to showcase some of the work I've done, both in programming and digital art. I've also created a profile on upwork and been submitting proposals to all the jobs I can find that match my skills and that I think I'd be a good fit for. Unfortunately, attracting clients has been difficult. I don't know if I'm just not very good at marketing myself, or if it's just not feasible for me to work as a freelancer right now. But if possible, I would really like it to work out. A successful freelance business would give me the flexibility to scale up the amount of time I dedicate to <i>Aww, Feathers!</i> as it becomes more profitable; something that's harder to do with a full-time job I've found (not for lack of trying!)

We can last a little longer before we need to shelve the whole self-employment idea for the time being. There's something you, my wonderful readers, may be able to do to help though. Something I've never asked of you before but thinking about it now, I kinda wish I had. Ah well, hindsight and all that. Anyway, it's simply this: if you or anyone you know are in the market for a freelance programmer or game/app developer, please give me your consideration! I've set up the following URLs for convenience:
<ul><li><a href="> - My upwork profile contains a comprehensive list of my skills and qualifications as a software developer.</li>
<li><a href="> - If a traditional resume is more your style, you can see mine, online and up-to-date, here.</li>
<li><a href="> - This page contains links to a wider range of the services I offer, including programming and art related jobs.</li></ul>
If you would share any of the above links with anyone you know of who's looking for a skilled programmer, I'd be most appreciative!

Oh, and one final thing. I haven't been sitting on my hands while waiting for clients to roll in. In order to demonstrate to potential clients that I have the skills they're looking for, I've been working on a simple mobile game! It's nearing completion. I'm just ironing out a few more details. I'll definitely share more with you as it nears release time. So stay tuned!

Thanks all. Be well, and I'll do my best to do the same!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Study in your Mind

At first glance, the idea that we must study for ourselves to receive wisdom may seem at odds with the principle of trusting in God to grant us the answers we seek. However, throughout the scriptures, we find reminders that we need to also put in the effort of finding what it is we're looking for. We must "prove all things" (1 Thessalonians 5:21), we must ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7), we must "meditate... day and night" (Joshua 1:8). God has given us the ability to think, to study, and to reason. He expects us to exercise those abilities and to increase them through careful and deliberate use. That's not to say we need to be scholars in order to receive revelation from God. But we should make use of whatever faculties and resources are available to us, given our own unique situation and circumstance.

Of course, if we rely solely on our own faculties to find the answers we seek, we will either fail, or we will lack the surety of the truthfulness of the answers we receive. Which is why we must pray to God to ask Him if what we have found is correct. These two pieces--study and prayer--are crucial and synergistic. If we neglect either one, we may not find what we seek. However, when we do both, our ability to find answers will be increased in a virtuous cycle: our prayers will be more purposeful and focused, and we will be blessed with confidence and direction in our studies.

This is the fourth in a series of Sour Peppers on personal revelation.

from Sour Peppers

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Now offering GAME commissions!

Hey guys! I'm offering a brand new type of commission: it's a GAME commission! I'll create a short mini-game according to your specifications. I can build it for web, desktop, or Android. Check out the link below for an example. (It does take about 15 seconds to load on my computer, so be patient!)

I'd like to make at least a few of these to use as examples in my portfolio to show future clients what I can do. So for a VERY limited time, I'm offering them for much cheaper than I would normally charge for this kind of project. The first person to claim one will get their custom game made for only $50! That's for a game of similar scope and complexity to the example below, so if you'd like something more complex, the price will go up accordingly. Also note that these game commissions are for personal use and entertainment only, and not for commercial use. If you want me to make a game that you intend to make money off of, talk to me about the specifics and we'll work something out.

If you're interested, contact me at!

from Jay Lark Studios

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Comic » Inktober - Ine and Inez

Added 9 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Comic » Ine Gets a Package!

Added Just Now

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Monday, October 1, 2018

Ine Gets a Package!

from Aww, Feathers!