Monday, April 25, 2016

News » Quick Event Updates

TD/DR: The Civil War Giveaway is being extended until the end of May, and I'm currently taking sketch requests in lieu of doing the livestream this Thursday.

First, the Aww, Feathers! Civil War Giveaway is being extended until the end of May instead of the end of April. I began the event before I knew I was going to be participating in Free Comic Book Day, so I'd rather spend what time I have left preparing for it and getting the word out. Anyone can still enter anytime between now and then. I'm just going to focus on prepping FCBD for the time being.

Second, speaking of Free Comic Book Day, I've had a couple of art streams during which I practiced doing free sketch requests, and they were a lot of fun! However, I spent about half of the time getting the stream to work, refreshing the page, reconnecting things that randomly decided to stop working (buh, technology...) etc. So I decided to try something different. Please send me your requests using whatever method you wish (leave a comment, send me an email, tweet me, etc.) and on Thursday I'll do as many of them as I can and then post them on Friday. I won't be able to stream my sketching live, which is a bummer, but this will allow me to practice sketching more quickly and also give everyone who wants one a chance to get a free sketch, even if they can't attend a live stream event or make it to Dragon's Keep on May 7th.

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

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