This has been... an interesting summer. While I've tried to respond to comments and such, I haven't been as active on the site as I wanted to be. For most of the summer I was working a lot of extra hours at my day job, which, after family and other responsibilities, sucked up nearly all of my spare time. In addition, there have been some family difficulties that I can't really discuss at the moment, but that have been an added stress. Long story short, it's been a challenging summer for my family and me. But, it's also been a good one. In numerous ways, our challenges this summer have been good for us. We've come together as a family in spite of how much time I was spending away because we were all looking out for each other. I picked up some useful time management habits since I had to find a way to fit in comic work on top of everything else. And we've been able to see evidence of God's goodness in the form of little miracles and the kindness of friends and family.
Anyway, all this is to say that we're not completely out of the woods at this point, but my work hours have returned to normal now, which is a huge relief. So now that I can afford to be a bit more active on the site and spend more time on art, I wanted to let you know of a few things coming coming up in the next few months (in addition to normal comic updates).
First of all, AWU!! That's Anthro Weekend in Utah! I have an important announcement to make: not only will I be in the Dealer's Den, I will also be presenting a panel! I'm currently scheduled for Friday, October 27 at 5pm, though that could change, so to be sure, check out the AWU schedule at My working title is "How To Act Like A Pro When You Feel Like An Amateur" (or HTALAPWYFLAA for short), a topic I feel especially qualified to speak about, haha! And don't worry. For those who won't be attending AWU, I'll be recording my presentation and posting it online afterwards! I'm really excited for the convention, and also a bit nervous. Better get to writing and rehearsing my presentation!
Also with my extra busy schedule this October, I'm planning another guest comic event! I don't know the exact dates yet, but it will probably be sometime during October or November. When I know for sure, I'll post the dates here. But if you already know you'd like to submit one, feel free to get started on your submission; just consider this your super advance notice!
Finally, I'm considering officially opening up art commissions, now that I have more time on my hands. I'm still figuring out prices and how many I can handle. I'll probably start with one or two slots per month and increase to more if there is interest. I'll be sure to post once commissions are available. If you already think you'd be interested, keep your eyes open for future news updates!
Thank you all for your continued support! You really do help make this comic possible! And just a reminder that if you would like to help the comic update even more frequently, you can help with a contribution on
Patreon! Whatever you can manage; even just $1 per month, makes a difference and brings us closer to our next milestone!
Enjoy the rest of your summer, and stay tuned for more exciting updates!
from Aww, Feathers! Updates