Sunday, December 31, 2017

White or Black

Christ admonished His followers not to forswear themselves, including warning against swearing by heaven, the earth, or one's own head. The language used is sometimes difficult for a modern reader to understand, but the meaning seems to be to honor one's word without needing to use binding oaths. Recently however I thought of another, perhaps unconventional but possible interpretation of not swearing by one's head. Christ points out that we cannot make one hair white or black, and uses this as a reason to not swear by our heads; it's as if our own inability to keep such an oath is the very reason we shouldn't make it in the first place, which seems to make sense.

Perhaps we can take this a bit further and think about the "oaths" or promises we make to ourselves. Given the current time of year, I am of course referring to personal goals, and yes, even New Years Resolutions. The practice of setting New Years Resolutions has come under harsh criticism in recent years, not least of all because of how frequently they are broken mere days after being set. But one common, major problem with resolutions, as well as any personal goal, is our tendency to set goals for things we cannot control. For example, one common goal is to lose a certain amount of weight. However, that's not a good goal because it isn't something we can directly control. What we can control is our behaviors that may lead to weight loss, such as eating healthier and exercising. Goals should be actionable. They should be things we can actually do and directly control.

So whether you're setting New Years Resolutions, or smaller personal goals, remember to focus on what you can actually control, not just on the desired outcome.

More examples:

  • Instead of resolving to lose weight, resolve to exercise more, eat more vegetables and lean protein, and reduce the consumption of unhealthy snacks and sweets.
  • Instead of resolving to overcome an addiction, resolve to have frequent contact with friends and family who support you and avoid (as much as possible) situations that trigger cravings.
  • Instead of resolving to do better at work or school, resolve to set aside time for uninterrupted study and set a daily plan for what needs to be accomplished.
  • Instead of resolving to eliminate debt or save money, resolve to set a budget, spend less on eating out and entertainment, and find ways to reduce costs or earn extra money.
  • Instead of resolving to find a new job, resolve to fill out a certain number of applications each week and spend time learning new skills or developing current ones.
  • Instead of resolving to improve your relationship with someone, resolve to perform specific acts of service for them and avoid doing and saying things that hurt them.
  • Instead of resolving to become closer to God, resolve to sincerely pray to Him daily, study the scriptures, and strive to keep His commandments.
Whatever goals you set for yourself, make sure they are actionable and measurable, and hold yourself accountable. If you do these things, you will be more likely to see progress towards the outcomes you desire like the ones listed in bold above. And if you don't see the progress you want, you can know that you made an honest effort, and adjust those efforts to try again.

from Sour Peppers

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Comic » Q&A: Holiday Traditions

Added Just Now

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Friday, December 22, 2017

Tudor the Ox

A long overdue gift for pikminpedia who won a commission from me from a giveaway I held a while back. This is his character, Tudor. He's big and buff and an excellent fighter... but a reluctant one!

If you like this style, ask me about black and white commissions!

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Comic » Unbroken 10

Added Just Now

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

News » Ixnay the eesfay!

"We messed up." Those were the first words I read from <a href="; target="_blank">Patreon's blog post</a> where they announced that they will NOT be rolling out the previously mentioned fees. As miffed as I was (along with many other creators and patrons) at the apparent disregard for how the change would affect patrons, I'm willing to believe they actually had good intentions, and that they are being sincere now. Here's hoping this can be a positive step forward. Let's be honest: Patreon has really provided an outstanding service for many creators who otherwise may not have a feasible way to support themselves doing what they love. And it's refreshing to see evidence that a company is willing to listen to feedback, own their mistakes, and try to make things right. They still have some issues to work out, but I'm cautiously optimistic they will do a better job moving forward at consulting their users about any changes.

So, for those who read my previous post about a possible funding alternative, I'm going to put those plans on hold for the time being and stick with Patreon. But it's nice to know we have a possible Plan B should we need it. If you still feel strongly about wanting to move away from Patreon but would still like to support Aww, Feathers! and receive access to patron-exclusive content, please let me know and we'll work something out. In the meantime, while I'll be sticking with Patreon, I still may be incorporating some of the changes I had mentioned before.

Rest assured, I will involve you, my awesome supporters and Awwthusiasts, in each decision along the way. ;-)

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

News » Possible Patreon alternative

You may have heard about upcoming changes to Patreon's fee structure. If you haven't, I speak on it briefly <a href=";. A lot of people--creators and patrons alike--are unhappy with the proposed changes. I don't really like them either. I've reached out to Patreon with my feedback, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. (But be respectful!)

I don't want to dwell too much on the negative though. Instead I've been investigating alternatives, and one idea in particular seems promising. But I want to hear your input. I invite you to pick this idea apart, tell me what you like and what you don't like. Whether you are a current or past supporter on Patreon, or even if you've never pledged on Patreon, I want your feedback!

My idea is to create The Aww, Feathers! Sketchbook Club on Gumroad! Like patreon, this would be a subscription service, through which you would receive access to exclusive Aww, Feathers! themed artwork!

How would I join?
The subscription would be through gumroad, which is the site I currently use for the <a href=";Aww, Feathers! Store</a>.

What would I get for joining?
Those who join would receive access to an exclusive online sketchbook where I'll be posting refined sketches; at least one per week. If you're already familiar with the sketches I've been posting on Patreon, these will be better quality. More deliberate, refined, and possibly cleaned up and inked. They may be sketches of characters from Aww, Feathers! or something different just for practice.
Everyone who subscribes would also be given access to the discord channel where I post early drafts of comic pages.

How much would it cost?
I haven't nailed down all the pricing details yet, but I think I have a basic idea. The base price would be $2 per month. However, there is also the option to pay every 3, 6, or 12 months, and discounts would be available to those who choose to subscribe for longer durations at a time. (I'm considering a discount of up to 50% for those who subscribe for a year; that would be only $1 per month!)
Gumroad provides the option to let customers pay more than the base price. Those who pay certain amounts above the base price would unlock extra perks.

Oooh, what kind of perks?
Those who pay extra would be able to submit suggestions/requests that would be drawn from on a regular basis. They can even include sketches of your own characters if you wish. Those who pay a bit more may pick one of the sketches to be sent the original physical copy. And there may be other "tiered" rewards as well.

What are the benefits to using Gumroad over Patreon?
The most immediate benefit is that, unlike Patreon's recently announced fee changes, customers are not charged a processing fee on top of the posted price. In addition, as mentioned before, Gumroad has flexible pricing options, including the option to pay once every 3, 6, or 12 months instead of every month, which allows me to pass on some savings to you. Finally, using Gumroad provides an opportunity to have the sketchbook club subscription and other items for sale in the same location.

Are there any drawbacks?
The biggest drawback I can see is missing out on the community and discussions that Patreon provided. I hope to mitigate that by encouraging greater participation in our discord server.
In addition, because Gumroad charges a processing fee for each payment instead of grouping multiple payments together (like Patreon's old model), I would need to charge a bit more to stay profitable. I will, however, offer discounts to those who choose to pledge for multiple months instead of just one month at a time.
Finally, Gumroad's system for choosing different "tiers," or levels, isn't currently as robust as Patreon's. If you ever want to change your funding level, you will need to cancel your current subscription, and then resubscribe with a different amount. Also, to choose a certain reward tier, you will need to just make sure you enter the correct amount when checking out. To help with that, I'll make sure the necessary prices are clearly posted.

So then...
I want to hear from you. Would you be interested in trying out something like this? What questions or suggestions do you have? Feel free to leave a comment, or email me at with your feedback. I want to work together to come up with a solution that can help support Aww, Feathers! financially while also benefiting those who choose to support it!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Comic » Unbroken 9

Added 2 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Friday, December 8, 2017

News » Aww, Music!

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Okay guys, now this is super cool! A good friend of mine who's a way talented musician and composer came up with the idea of writing theme music for six of the main Aww, Feathers! characters! I offered my feedback on each one as it was being created, but otherwise let him write the music that he felt captured the personality of each character. The results are lots of fun! It makes me think of like, an Aww, Feathers! themed video game with the respective theme music playing in the background of each stage that was based on a particular character... Holy carp, that sounds pretty awesome! Sigh...
Ahem. Anyways, you can listen to the entire album on <a href="; target="_blank">Bandcamp</a> right now! If you enjoy it, consider purchasing it for a very modest price (though you can pay more if you choose!) and I'll also get a percentage. So by buying the album, you'll be supporting both this comic and his awesome music!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

News » Iz ma BIRDTHDAY!!

Today I turn 30 years old! Holy carp!! Three decades! The big three-oh! *loud unintelligible squawking* Ahem...
I may make a longer post later full of sappy nostalgic reminiscence, but for now I'm off to celebrate! In the meantime, you can celebrate too by taking 30% off any item in the <a href=", Feathers! store</a> by using the offer code BIRDTHDAY at checkout!

Have a good one! Talk to you all again soon!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Comic » Unbroken 8

Added 4 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Friday, December 1, 2017

News » A Christmas Gift for You!

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Ine and Kraal egg-buddies! <3 Of course, they never knew each other at that age, but they probably didn't know how to sing at that age either, so don't be picky. ;-)

For the month of December, as a special gift to all my fellow "Awwthusiasts," feel free to download the image above as a digital Christmas Card. You may even copy/paste it into an email or messaging app to send it to a friend if you like! All I ask is you leave the image unaltered, and enjoy!

If you would like a physical copy of this postcard, either for yourself or to send to a friend, pledge $5 on <a href="; any time this month. A very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Thursday, November 30, 2017


I'm sorry...

from Sour Peppers

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Daily Word Limit

Imagine that there was a plan that would allow major companies to somehow limit our ability to speak. Perhaps by limiting the volume at which a person could speak, or the number of words they could say in a day. Some people might not notice these restrictions, and could get by just fine. Others however would soon bump against these limits and be unable to effectively communicate what they wanted to say, no matter how important it might be. "But it's okay!" the proponents of this plan say, "Because they can just pay for a premium package that will allow them to speak as much and as loudly as they want... for a fee. After all, if they're willing and able to pay for it, why not let them? This plan will spur all kinds of new innovative business models and products!"

Even if anyone had this hypothetical ability to directly limit how much we can speak, such a plan would never come close to being accepted. (At least I certainly hope not...) It would obviously restrict our freedom of speech. It would make communication a "pay to win" game, in which the ideas that gained the most traction wouldn't necessarily be the best ideas, but the ones coming from those already wealthy enough to pay for enough words to spread them.

And yet that's what's happening right now with Net Neutrality.

As a conservative-leaning man myself, I understand to some degree the "free market" arguments against Net Neutrality. However, the Internet has become much more than a product. It is how we communicate and organize in our modern age, so much so that this is not just an issue of having access to the level of entertainment we want. Rather, it is an issue of free speech!

If ISP's are allowed to treat differently the data they deliver from different organizations, could they not then discriminate against organizations that don't serve their interests? And even if they didn't do that and only set up "fast lanes" that one could pay extra for, would that not in fact make communicating on the Internet "pay to win?" How effectively an idea spreads should be based on the merit of the idea, not how much the one who conceived it is willing or able to pay.

If you haven't done so, please contact your lawmakers and talk to them about Net Neutrality. Hearing from real constituents has a huge impact on the decisions they make! You can find more info at

I also invite you to critique my own interpretation of the situation. Have I given a good comparison? Do you see any major flaws with my argument? If you are in favor of repealing Net Neutrality, I sincerely want to hear your point of view. Would things be as bad as I've made it seem? If repealed, what would prevent communication on the Internet from becoming "pay to win" as I've described?

I have temporarily lifted comment moderation in order to allow easier communication about this important topic. Please be respectful and civil. Thanks!

from Sour Peppers

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

News » Site Redesign

This has been a long time coming, but I'm in the process of updating the website! You may notice a few things changing, little by little, including layout and overall appearance. This should especially help with how the site looks on mobile (it was pretty bad before, lol). The comic will still update as usual, but if you notice anything not working, or have any other feedback on the redesign, leave a comment or email me at Thanks for your patience!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Comic » Unbroken 7

Added 1 Minute Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Monday, November 27, 2017

News » AWU Panel Video!

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If you were unable to attend Anthro Weekend Utah this year or if you missed the panel I gave, you're in luck! I was able to have it recorded and uploaded to YouTube! In it I share a few tips and insights from my own experience starting a webcomic.

"So you want to be an artist, writer, musician or other content creator. That's great! Except for one problem... You feel like an amateur. It's okay; I've been there. In fact... I'm still there. But over the course of creating my own webcomic I've picked up a few tricks that have made me feel a bit more like I know what I'm doing. I want to share them with you! So stop by for a few remarks from Lark (Ha!) and bring your questions. It's hard to create, but it's better together!"

Includes a Q&A section at the end. Some of the questions from the audience were are a bit difficult to hear, and I didn't always remember to repeat them for the recording, so I included captions for them.

from Aww, Feathers! Updates


from Aww, Feathers!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

News » November Postcard Preview!

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Not exactly a Thanksgiving themed one this year, but I had this idea to outline each character's profile in neon lights, and then thought it would make a nifty postcard design. I think it turned out really cool! And it actually kinda fits with the theme of holiday lights and such, dontcha think?
To get your own physical copy, pledge on <a href="; before the end of November!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Comic » Unbroken 6

Added 8 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Comic » Unbroken 5

Added 6 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Friday, November 10, 2017

News » Call for Guest Comics!

Whew guys. 2017 has been quite a year. Both I and my family have had some challenging and even heart-breaking experiences. But there have also been moments of fun and laughter and joy. One things for certain though: it's been exhausting! Consequently, there have been a few times this year when the main story was put on hold. While I try to keep these interruptions to a bare minimum, so many readers have expressed their understanding and encouragement during these times, and I'm very grateful for that.
In the near future, I'm going to need to take another break, just to make sure everything is on track and running smoothly, both with Aww, Feathers! as well as with my own life. (It's easy to let things fall through the cracks with so many things going on in real life.) But to fill that gap, I'm excited to announce our third guest comic event! To be honest, I'm not sure yet exactly when it will start, but it will probably be early 2018, so for now the soft deadline for submissions is January 15, 2018. That gives you a couple months at least to work on your submissions. Our <a href="; and <a href="; were both awesome! I'm looking forward to what our guest artists come up with this time... and also to the break! Seriously, every submission, no matter your style or skill level, will be a big help! All you need to do is follow the guidelines below. (Note, I am willing to be flexible on things like format and even page amount as long as you talk to me first. Just send me an email and we'll work something out.)

<ul><li>Anyone may submit a guest comic, regardless of whether you've submitted one before.</li>
<li>Each participant may submit up to three entries. These may be three pages of the same story, or three completely separate pieces.</li>
<li>Collaborations are allowed (one person could do the art while another does the writing, etc.). If you're looking for a collaborator, leave a comment on this news post. If you're an artist and having trouble finding a collaborator, talk to me. I've got a few ideas I could toss your way. ;-)</li></ul>
<ul><li>Any skill level and art style is allowed (color or black and white, digital or traditional, realistic or cartoony, etc.). The important thing is that it looks like thought and effort went into its creation.</li><li>Submissions may be full page or comic strip format</li><li>Any submission larger than 800 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high or 5 MB in file size will be resized or compressed, so if yours is bigger than that make sure it looks okay at those dimensions.</li></ul>
<ul><li>Each entry should feature at least one of the Aww, Feathers! cast, whether they be one of the <a href=" characters</a> or a secondary character.</li>
<li>You may include other characters, even your own, as long as you have the rights to do so.</li>
<li>Feel free to have fun with the characters and story; entries don't have to be 100% true to the comic. Try not to make it radically different however.</li>
<li>Remember to keep it family friendly: no profanity, gore, or suggestive themes.</li></ul>
<ul><li>Please submit your entries to no later than January 15, 2018.</li>
<li>You do not have to submit a Spanish version or translation with your comic. If you'd like to though, you may, and the translated versions will not count towards your 3 entry limit.</li>
<li>Please do not post your entries anywhere else (deviantArt, your website, etc.) until after it's posted here. We don't want to spoil the surprise!</li>
<li>By submitting an entry, you grant me permission to post it here, though you maintain the rights to any characters you create. I will include your name and a link to your website (if provided) in the description of your submission. I will not use your submission for any other purpose unless I obtain your permission first.</li>
<li>Most, if not all entries that follow the rules above will be accepted. However, I have the final say on what gets posted. It's unlikely, but possible that an entry may conflict with future ideas I have for the story for example, and if that's the case I'll let you know, along with possible alterations that would make it acceptable.</li></ul>

If you have any questions, leave a comment or send an email. While not required, I'd love to know if you plan on making one so I get an idea of how many to expect. Thanks so much in advance to anyone who plans to contribute! The more we get, the more updates there will be during the break! Happy Comicking!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Comic » Unbroken 4

Added 7 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Comic » Tiger Shark Tribute

Added 2 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Thursday, October 26, 2017

News » Come and see me at AWU!!

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from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Comic » Come See Me at AWU!!

Added 8 Hours Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Comic » Unbroken 3

Added 10 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Gift of Grace

A gift for my sister-in-law. ðŸ’—

As important as it is to remember that we show our faith by our works, it is at least as important to remember that our works do not save us. It is only the Grace of our Savior that has the power to unlock the chains of death and sin. And He has given that Grace freely to all. There is nothing we need to do to earn it or deserve it. All we need to do is accept the gift, use it, and keep the commandments our Savior has given us so that we can live comfortably and joyfully in His presence.

from Sour Peppers

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

News » October Postcard Preview!

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Happy Wednesday the 18th!!! OOoooooooOOoooohhh!!
...Yes, I let Friday the 13th slip by me unnoticed... Dangit!
But that doesn't mean it's too late for me to get my spook on! And you can too with this eerie October postcard! Do you recognize it? >:D
If you'd like your own copy, be sure to pledge on <a href="; soon so you can get it before Halloween!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Comic » Unbroken 2

Added 23 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Comic » Unbroken 1

Added 2 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Friday, October 6, 2017

Comic » AWU Panel

Added 10 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Comic » No Bob 2

Added 21 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Comic » No Bob 1

Added 1 Minute Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Comic » A Good Moji 7

Added 34 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Marcus Emoji Stickers

My first sticker commission! Available on Telegram here:

Want your own custom emoji stickers? Choose a character and whatever emojis you want to base them on! They start at $5 each or $20 for five. Limited slots available! Message me if interested. :-)

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

Comic » A Good Moji 6

Added 31 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Monday, September 25, 2017

Comic » A Good Moji 5

Added 1 Minute Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Friday, September 22, 2017

Comic » A Good Moji 4

Added 2 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Comic » A Good Moji 3

Added 31 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Comic » A Good Moji 2

Added 9 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Monday, September 18, 2017

Comic » A Good Moji 1

Added 6 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Saturday, September 16, 2017

News » A Much Needed Detour

I must ask you all for patience. The past few weeks have been rather difficult on me and my family. Without going into too much detail, we're currently dealing with a sickness in the family that is quite serious, as well as the sickness of a beloved family pet. We'll be all right. Still, things have been rather emotionally draining lately. While trying to keep up on the work I need to do for Aww, Feathers! I finally decided I need a brief reprieve. So I'll be taking the next couple weeks off from updating the regular story. Much as I hate delaying the next chapter of the story, I feel this will be good for me and will allow me to more easily sort out some things in real life. In addition, there are things I still need to do in order to prepare for AWU, and I want to give myself adequate time to do them.
Not to worry; I won't leave you without anything in the meantime. I've whipped up something I hope you'll find at least somewhat amusing. Have you ever seen someone try to tell an entire story using only emoji? This isn't quite that extreme. But I've redone the previous chapter, replacing all the dialogue with emoji, to see how clearly they could communicate what's going on, haha! I hope you enjoy it at least a little. It was kind of a fun exercise. Check back Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for the next two weeks.
Thank you for understanding. This summer has been rough. But we're going to make it through.

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

News » Accepting PayPal Pledges!

I've had a few people ask if they could support Aww, Feathers! through PayPal instead of Patreon. I have no problem with that, so I decided to make it official.
If you would like to make a one-time donation, or just prefer to use PayPal over Patreon, you may do so at for whatever amount you choose. You will still receive the same rewards as if you had donated through Patreon, including exclusive content like sketches, WIPs, etc. during the month you donate. You won't be able to see them in the Patreon news feed, but they will be made available in an exclusive channel in the Aww, Feathers! Discord Server, which you can join here:

Milestone rewards will continue to depend on total contributions received from Patreon. However, if some PayPal backers make regular monthly contributions, theirs will be factored into the total as well.

If you you would like to contribute but happen to prefer a method other than Patreon or PayPal, just let me know and we'll work out the details.

Thank you all once again for all your support! ❤

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Comic » Q&A Stereotypes

Added 1 Minute Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Saturday, September 9, 2017

News » September Postcard Preview

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It's Ine!
It's emoji!
It's Ine-moji!!
I'll let myself out...
Did anybody here see the Emoji Movie...? I was actually really interested in seeing it, until I started to hear the almost universally bad reviews. If half the things critics were saying were true, it sounds like I dodged a bullet. But hey! If you're an emoji fan, pick up this postcard to add to your assortment of other emoji themed paraphernalia! If you don't like emoji... get it anyway to help support the comic! Win-win!
You can get one by pledging on <a href="; before the end of September!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Comic » Changing Plans 5

Added 6 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Comic » Changing Plans 4

Added 2 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Without works

The relationship between faith and works is an oft debated topic in Christendom. My own understanding is that our good works do not save us. Strictly speaking, our faith doesn't save us either. But if we have faith in the Savior, we will be saved. However, if we do not good works (by keeping His commandments) we cannot truly say we have faith. James' words mean, in essence, that "faith without works is not faith," or "there is no such thing as faith without works."
One useful parable to illustrate this point is to think of two men lost at sea, far from any land. They pray to be rescued from drowning, and a ship happens to pass by and sees them. Those on board throw life preservers to the men. One of them grabs the preserver and is pulled to safety. The other however continues to pray rather than grabbing the preserver, claiming that he will be saved because he believes that those on the ship can save him.
It is, admittedly, not a perfect analogy, but I think it illustrates the important points. While the first man couldn't truthfully say to have saved himself, grabbing the preserver was required for him to be rescued. The second man could have been saved as well, but merely believing in the ability of the rescuers to save him wasn't sufficient.
We do not save ourselves by performing good works. To claim otherwise would be even more ridiculous than the first man claiming to have saved his own life. But we must do more than profess belief. Our Savior's grace is available to all; we have only to reach out.

from Sour Peppers

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Comic » Changing Plans 3

Added Just Now

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Saturday, August 19, 2017

News » August Postcard Preview

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Summer is drawing to a close. But don't let it go without a fight! Get out there, soak up some rays, jump in the pool, and enjoy a cool treat... maybe all at once?? Oh, and speaking of cool treats, ask your local ice cream truck if they have Ine-cicle or Chil-awar frozen dessert pops! If they don't, consider snagging this month's patron postcard. It's the next best thing. In fact, maybe it's even better, because a postcard doesn't melt! Genius!!
Get your own copy by pledging on <a href="; before the end of the month. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

News » End of Summer Plans

This has been... an interesting summer. While I've tried to respond to comments and such, I haven't been as active on the site as I wanted to be. For most of the summer I was working a lot of extra hours at my day job, which, after family and other responsibilities, sucked up nearly all of my spare time. In addition, there have been some family difficulties that I can't really discuss at the moment, but that have been an added stress. Long story short, it's been a challenging summer for my family and me. But, it's also been a good one. In numerous ways, our challenges this summer have been good for us. We've come together as a family in spite of how much time I was spending away because we were all looking out for each other. I picked up some useful time management habits since I had to find a way to fit in comic work on top of everything else. And we've been able to see evidence of God's goodness in the form of little miracles and the kindness of friends and family.

Anyway, all this is to say that we're not completely out of the woods at this point, but my work hours have returned to normal now, which is a huge relief. So now that I can afford to be a bit more active on the site and spend more time on art, I wanted to let you know of a few things coming coming up in the next few months (in addition to normal comic updates).

First of all, AWU!! That's Anthro Weekend in Utah! I have an important announcement to make: not only will I be in the Dealer's Den, I will also be presenting a panel! I'm currently scheduled for Friday, October 27 at 5pm, though that could change, so to be sure, check out the AWU schedule at My working title is "How To Act Like A Pro When You Feel Like An Amateur" (or HTALAPWYFLAA for short), a topic I feel especially qualified to speak about, haha! And don't worry. For those who won't be attending AWU, I'll be recording my presentation and posting it online afterwards! I'm really excited for the convention, and also a bit nervous. Better get to writing and rehearsing my presentation!

Also with my extra busy schedule this October, I'm planning another guest comic event! I don't know the exact dates yet, but it will probably be sometime during October or November. When I know for sure, I'll post the dates here. But if you already know you'd like to submit one, feel free to get started on your submission; just consider this your super advance notice!

Finally, I'm considering officially opening up art commissions, now that I have more time on my hands. I'm still figuring out prices and how many I can handle. I'll probably start with one or two slots per month and increase to more if there is interest. I'll be sure to post once commissions are available. If you already think you'd be interested, keep your eyes open for future news updates!

Thank you all for your continued support! You really do help make this comic possible! And just a reminder that if you would like to help the comic update even more frequently, you can help with a contribution on Patreon! Whatever you can manage; even just $1 per month, makes a difference and brings us closer to our next milestone!

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and stay tuned for more exciting updates!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Friday, August 18, 2017

Praying With A Friend

A gift for dijin777 of his character, Jacob the wolf, and my character, Ine the lizard, praying together. ❤

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Comic » Changing Plans 2

Added 2 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Ondin and Scarbo

A commission for a friend. Ondin, the unicorn, and Scarbo, the winged black sheep. Quite different in appearance, but bros nonetheless. :3 *brohoof*
I think this might be the first commission I've done that wasn't a gift, a prize, or trade in some way. I quite like it! Ondin was a fun character to help design. I will probably be opening up a few commission slots in the near future. If you have any interest, keep your eyes open for them! (I'll post a journal entry about it when doing them for sure.)

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Comic » Changing Plans 1

Added 7 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Comic » Q&A: Cold Blooded

Added 7 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bear another's burdens

What does it mean to "bear another's burden?" Giving them a heartfelt, "You're in our thoughts and prayers?" That's certainly not a bad thing. But to truly help bear another's burdens, we need to actually do some lifting. We need to understand the nature of the burden (if such information is volunteered) and be willing to get our hands dirty. It might be as simple as listening patiently and without judgement to what it is they are going through. Or we may be prompted to give of our time, talents, or substance. Whatever the case, let love be our motivation, and let us give even when it is difficult. After all, Christ did the same for us.

from Sour Peppers

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Comic » A Good Sport 7

Added 4 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Comic » A Good Sport 6

Added 6 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

News » July Postcard Preview

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If you've never been to Utah, you may or may not know about Pioneer Day. It's July 24th, and it's kind of a heckuva big deal! Officially, this state holiday celebrates the day that the Mormon pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley and began to create their new home. Today however, it's extended to remembering all the "pioneers" in our lives, both literal and figurative. If you go back in your family history, it won't be hard to find pioneers in some sense among your ancestors. Perhaps someone who immigrated to your current residence, or who was a leader in their field or community.
This month's postcard features Edward Coatl, and you only get one guess who's ancestor he is! ;-D He's actually loosely based off one of my own ancestors who helped settle the beautiful city I currently live in. Seriously guys. The Mormon Church puts a lot of emphasis on family history, but regardless of your religious inclinations, doing a bit of research into your family tree is super interesting! I challenge you to take just a bit of time to discover something new about those who came before you.
To snag your own copy of this piece of feathered history, be sure to pledge on <a href="; before the end of the month. Happy Pioneer Day all!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Comic » Slight Delay...

Added 3 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Present Chastening

For a friend. Happy Birthday! :-)
"No pain, no gain," they say. I don't know if that's always true. But it's certainly true that the trials we face during mortality, while difficult and even painful in the moment, will always yield good fruit if endured well. Whatever trial you may be suffering, it may seem grievous at the present moment. But if endured, it will cause you to become stronger through increased in resilience to temptation.

from Sour Peppers

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Comic » A Good Sport 5

Added 4 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Saturday, July 1, 2017

News » Slight Schedule Change

Hey all! Sorry for my relative silence recently. These past couple months have been a bit brutal on me. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel... My work schedule should be normalizing soon which should make things a bit easier on me.
That said, I have found it necessary to make a slight change to the comic update schedule. At our current funding level, the comic will still update every Tuesday (with the occasional bonus stuff on Fridays). The only change is that after the end of a chapter, the Q&A page that follows will be considered a normal comic update, and be posted the following Tuesday. This does mean one fewer update than we would normally get whenever a chapter ends, which I don't love. But for the time being, I think it is a necessary, and not too disruptive change.
And the good news is, once we reach our next Patreon funding goal (which we're not too far from at the moment) those in-between Q&A pages will be back to bonus page status, meaning the next chapter can start the very next week (like before).
Thank you all for your understanding and your continued support! I hope your summer has been going well and that you continue to have a fun and safe time with it.
Happy upcoming 4th!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Comic » A Good Sport 4

Added 1 Minute Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Haughty Spirit

It doesn't matter how fabulous you think you are; if you're too proud to look down, sooner or later you will fall.

from Sour Peppers

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Comic » A Good Sport 3

Added 7 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Comic » A Good Sport 2

Added 4 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates