It is time for the second ever
Aww, Feathers! Guest Comic event! As I mentioned before, my wife and I are expecting our second child! She's due early November, or possibly late October. Our first daughter was a little bit early, so you never know. Having been through this before, I know we're going to need some time to adjust to having another little one in the house. So I'll be taking a break from updating the comic and filling the space with guest submissions. Our <a href=" guest comic event</a> was a smashing success! I'm hoping for at least as many entries this time. It would really be a big help. Don't worry about your skill level; if you have an idea, give it a go! All you need to do is follow these guidelines (they're the same as last time, just restated for convenience and clarity):
<ul><li>Anyone may submit a guest comic, regardless of whether you've submitted one before.</li>
<li>Each participant may submit up to three entries. These may be three pages of the same story, or three completely separate pieces.</li>
<li>Collaborations are allowed (one person could do the art while another does the writing, etc.). If you're looking for a collaborator, leave a comment on this news post. If you're an artist and having trouble finding a collaborator, talk to me. I've got a few ideas I could toss your way. ;-)</li></ul>
<ul><li>Any skill level and art style is allowed (color or black and white, digital or traditional, realistic or cartoony, etc.). The important thing is that it looks like thought and effort went into its creation.</li>
<li>Submissions may be page or comic strip format, but each submission should be no bigger than 800 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high and no larger than 5 MB in file size.</li></ul>
<ul><li>Each entry should feature at least one of the
Aww, Feathers! cast, whether they be one of the <a href=" characters</a> or a secondary character.</li>
<li>You may include other characters, even your own, as long as you have the rights to do so.</li>
<li>Feel free to have fun with the characters and story; entries don't have to be 100% true to the comic. Try not to make it radically different however.</li>
<li>Remember to keep it family friendly: no profanity, gore, or suggestive themes.</li></ul>
<ul><li>Please submit your entries to no later than October 31, 2016.</li>
<li>You do not have to submit a Spanish version or translation with your comic. If you'd like to though, you may, and the translated versions will not count towards your 3 entry limit.</li>
<li>Please do not post your entries anywhere else (deviantArt, your website, etc.) until after it's posted here. We don't want to spoil the surprise!</li>
<li>By submitting an entry, you grant me permission to post it here, though you maintain the rights to any characters you create. I will include your name and a link to your website (if provided) in the description of your submission. I will not use your submission for any other purpose unless I obtain your permission first.</li>
<li>Most, if not all entries that follow the rules above will be accepted. However, I have the final say on what gets posted. It's unlikely, but possible that an entry may conflict with future ideas I have for the story for example, and if that's the case I'll let you know, along with possible alterations that would make it acceptable.</li></ul>
If you have any questions, leave a comment or send an email. While not required, I'd love to know if you plan on making one so I get an idea of how many to expect. Thanks so much in advance to anyone who plans to contribute! The more we get, the more updates there will be during the break! Happy Comicking!
from Aww, Feathers! Updates