Friday, April 29, 2016

FCBD Practice Sketches 3

Got a whole bunch of requests for this one, which is great! I averaged about 10 minutes per sketch, which is close to where I want to be.  Still want to get more practice in though. I have more requests I didn't get to last night, but they're still on the list. Also, I'll still accept more, so keep submitting ideas!
To those who made the requests, I'll get some hi-res scans available soonish. Also, if you come see me in person on May 7th, I'll have these on hand if you would like the original.
Free Comic Book Day is 8 days away! Woooo!;

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Comic » Q&A Accessibility

Added 37 Seconds Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Monday, April 25, 2016

Serve The Lord

The world has different idols and gods than it did in Joshua's day. But his counsel to be deliberate about who or what we choose to serve remains relevant. The transient trappings of mortality have their place. We should do what we can to keep them there, and choose to serve God by learning of Him and His Gospel and by loving and serving those around us.

from Sour Peppers

News » Quick Event Updates

TD/DR: The Civil War Giveaway is being extended until the end of May, and I'm currently taking sketch requests in lieu of doing the livestream this Thursday.

First, the Aww, Feathers! Civil War Giveaway is being extended until the end of May instead of the end of April. I began the event before I knew I was going to be participating in Free Comic Book Day, so I'd rather spend what time I have left preparing for it and getting the word out. Anyone can still enter anytime between now and then. I'm just going to focus on prepping FCBD for the time being.

Second, speaking of Free Comic Book Day, I've had a couple of art streams during which I practiced doing free sketch requests, and they were a lot of fun! However, I spent about half of the time getting the stream to work, refreshing the page, reconnecting things that randomly decided to stop working (buh, technology...) etc. So I decided to try something different. Please send me your requests using whatever method you wish (leave a comment, send me an email, tweet me, etc.) and on Thursday I'll do as many of them as I can and then post them on Friday. I won't be able to stream my sketching live, which is a bummer, but this will allow me to practice sketching more quickly and also give everyone who wants one a chance to get a free sketch, even if they can't attend a live stream event or make it to Dragon's Keep on May 7th.

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Saturday, April 23, 2016

FCBD Practice Sketches 2

My second practice art stream. No one showed up, but that's all right. I still got some practice in. Geek that I am, I rolled some DnD dice to randomly determine which character to draw and what superhero to dress them as. Pretty fun! :3
There will be at least a couple other streams.  Fun as it is to pick at random, I'd love to take your requests! See what other times are planned by checking this link:;

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

Friday, April 22, 2016

FCBD Practice Sketches 1

Guess what? I'm going to be participating in Free Comic Book Day as a creator! I'll be at the Orem Dragon's Keep shop on May 7th from 10am-2pm.  I'll be promoting Aww, Feathers!, selling art prints, and doing free sketches for those who come to say hi! If you can't make it in person, you can still get a free sketch by watching one of my practice art streams.  I plan to do a few, including one tomorrow (April 23) around 3pm MT at;
For more details, check out the news post:;

from DeviantArt: inejwstine/13041598's gallery

News Upcoming Event: FCBD!

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I'm so excited for my first ever public event as a creator! On May 7th, I will be one of the artists at the Orem, Utah Dragons Keep participating in Free Comic Book Day! If you're not sure what FCBD is, check out the link above. In a nutshell, it's the first Saturday in May of each year in which participating comic and game shops give out free comic books to help inspire future generations of comic lovers! There are often special events at each shop (Dragon's Keep is having a giveaway for example) and comic artists often show up to show off their art and even take requests!

So, on May 7th from about 10am-2pm I'll be at the Orem Dragons Keep to promote Aww, Feathers!, sell some prints, and do free sketches! Please note there are three Dragons Keep locations in Utah Valley: Provo, Orem, and Lehi. I will be at the one located at 48 West 300 North, Orem, Utah. It's right behind the Wienerschnitzel restaurant. Here's a map for directions: <a href="; target="_blank">;. For more info about the store, visit <a href="; target="_blank"></a>.

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Comic Night Out 12

Added 4 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Monday, April 18, 2016

Looketh on the Heart

Judging another based on outward appearance can mean judging based on looks, but could also mean judging based on personality, habits, and even their actions. Think about the last time you met someone new. What assumptions did you make about that person based only on what you could see right in front of you? How did your impression of that person change after you got to know them and learned more about their story? It's natural to judge before knowing all the facts. But we should remember that the only perfect judge is God, and examine our thoughts more closely the next time we find ourselves passing judgement one of our brothers or sisters.

from Sour Peppers

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Treasure the Word

When we study any knowledge that is of worth, it is like making a deposit to the bank. We store in our minds something we can draw upon later when needed. This is especially true of the scriptures, because the Spirit can call to remembrance the words we need for each situation. But only if we have put the words there in the first place.

from Sour Peppers

Comic » Night Out 11

Added 30 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Monday, April 11, 2016

News » May Postcard and Giveaway!

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Oh dang. Things just got serious.

You know what's coming up in May? That's right, Free Comic Book Day! Know what else? Right again, Captain America: Civil War comes out! In fact, both are happening the same weekend (May 7th and 6th respectively)! Suh-weeet!!

To celebrate, the collectible Aww, Feathers! patron postcard for the month of May is themed to match. But this time, there are two ways to get it: (1) pledge at least $5 at before April 30th, or (2) win one as a prize (along with other prizes) in the Aww, Feathers! Civil War giveaway! Here's the deets...

<ul><li>Answer the prompt: "What could cause a Civil War between Ine and Chris?"</li><li>Retweet or share the posts below along with your theory.</li><li>Earn up to two entries in the giveaway: one for sharing and one for retweeting. To be counted, each share/retweet must contain a unique theory to the prompt above. So be creative!</li><li>On May 6th, winners will be randomly selected. Prizes include copies of the postcard pictured above and artwork of your character dressed up as a superhero!</li><li>Pledging on patreon will not directly increase your chances of winning. However, the more patrons we gain during the month of April, the more prizes will be added to the prize pool! A pledge of fifty cents is all it takes to increase the pool for everybody, and to help support future updates of Aww, Feathers!</li><li>I'll pick a few of my favorite submitted theories for what's going on between Ine and Chris and turn it into a mini-comic which will be posted in May.</li></ul>

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Comic » Night Out 10

Added 2 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Monday, April 4, 2016

Guard Our Brethren

I can't remember if I thought of the following comparison on my own or if I heard it from somebody else first. In the Book of Mormon, the Lamanites were enemies of the Nephites. The two groups come into conflict many times throughout the book. A group of Lamanites however, were converted to believe in Christ and repented of the many murders they had committed, vowing to never use their weapons to shed blood again. Other Lamanites became angry with them and marched to kill them, and these converted Lamanites (now called Ammonites) sought refuge among the Nephites. The Nephites could have reacted with suspicion, scorn, hatred, and fear. But instead, they gave a portion of their lands to the Ammonites and protected them.
I think the comparison to modern days is obvious. We ought to be charitable to those in need, including those seeking refuge from violence they had no part in creating. Let us look past our fears and political ideologies, and remember to see the real people--men, women, and children--that are affected, and let us extend a hand of fellowship.

from Sour Peppers

Saturday, April 2, 2016

News » Excellent Survey Insights

The survey I made around the end of February is now closed (the one attached to this mini-comic), and I've looked over all the results and read every comment. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to give their feedback, even the ones who were a bit critical. Taking criticism is kinda like eating your vegetables: sometimes it's hard and you don't like it, but it's good for you and helps you to grow. There was a bunch of positive feedback too though, which did make those veggies a little easier to swallow!
Here are a few of the insights that I gained from your valuable feedback:

I learned that what people like most about Aww, Feathers! are the characters and the story. I mean, that's not very surprising; I would guess the same applies to many webcomics. But it makes me happy that people enjoy reading about them and it's a good reminder to never sacrifice them in favor of some other aspect of the comic. And I love comments about a reader's favorite character, or one they feel they can relate to. I never get tired of hearing those!

When it comes to improvements, by far the top items were improved artwork, followed closely by more frequent updates. Feedback on what specifically about the artwork should be improved was very valuable, because while I've been aware since the beginning that it needs improvement, I haven't been so sure about where to focus my attention first. Your feedback gave some good direction, and recommended working on perspective and body proportions most of all. I can definitely think of some pages where those were giving me some trouble and where the page suffered as a result. I'll put more focus on practicing those things specifically.

As for updating more frequently, that's one of my biggest desires as well. Even one update every week just doesn't seem enough, especially with all the other stories I want to get to! Right now however, I am barely able to keep up with my current update schedule, even with only three main story updates per month. I'm always on the lookout for ways to increase production with the time that's available to me (and if anyone has any suggestions, I am always eager to hear them!). But as with any project I work on, before I dedicate a larger portion of time to it, it needs to be at least somewhat self-sustaining. That's why I've been encouraging readers to support Aww, Feathers! on Patreon so much lately. Money won't magically make more hours in the day to work on comics, but if certain funding goals are reached, I can then justify spending more time on it, instead of other projects. So if you'd like to see the comic back on a weekly update schedule (and hopefully even more frequent in the future), please consider a small pledge at Right now it is by far the best way to support the comic financially, even if it's just a dollar or less each month. (Don't worry though. Regardless of funds received, the webcomic will continue to be available for free online.)

Reading about everyone's favorite and least favorite comic pages was very interesting to me, and it showed that the comic has readers with different tastes. More than one chapter was specifically mentioned by multiple readers, some who said it was one of their favorites, and others who said it was their least favorite! Overall though, the consensus seems to be that even when a chapter isn't their favorite one, readers still enjoy the comic overall. I'll use that info to make sure to have a variety of stories, without dwelling too much on one topic at a time.

I was a bit surprised by the results for the question of how people keep up with the comic updates. The vast majority said they simply visit on the days it's supposed to update, which is a big reminder to me that I need to keep my update schedule consistent! (I think I do a pretty good job at that at least.) Some said they follow on social media, and some even mentioned webcomic sites that I didn't know about, so that's pretty cool. Very few said they follow via rss, which surprised me mainly because that's what I use to follow webcomics, almost exclusively. There are a lot of great services (I use a free one called feedly) to which you can add websites (including webcomics) and they will automatically fill with updates from all the sites you follow so you never miss anything new. I find it very convenient and highly recommend it, but if you prefer just bookmarking the page and visiting weekly, that works just fine too.

This was a very valuable exercise for me, and I thank you all once again for your feedback, including the constructive criticisms. That survey is now closed, but I've set up another one to act as an all-purpose online "comment box" if you ever have anything else you'd like to say, but would feel more comfortable doing so privately and anonymously. Feel free to use it at any time by visiting this link: Thanks again for helping me to make Aww, Feathers! the best that it can be!

from Aww, Feathers! Updates

Friday, April 1, 2016

Comic » April Clickbait

Added 9 Minutes Ago

from Aww, Feathers! Updates