Let me start by saying that this is not what I do. I'm not a movie reviewer. I'm not a film critic. I'm not that hard to please when it comes to animated movies. But I just had to share my thoughts on this one. I had high hopes for Zootopia, but boy did it blow past my already lofty expectations for how much I would enjoy this movie! As the title implies, I have done my best not to include any spoilers in this review. I may attempt a more detailed, less spoiler-free review in the future, but for now you can consider this a safe read if you haven't seen it yet. If you want to be extra, extra safe however, just go see it. Seriously.
Okay, so first of all, you guys have got to believe me when I say that Zootopia is so much more than just a furry hype train. It is such a wonderful film, and in all the right ways. I don't hesitate to call it my all time favorite Disney animated film (and believe me, that's saying something) and it may even be my favorite film ever, period. I've seen it twice in theaters so far, and I rarely see movies in theaters at all (except for the dollar theater). There was no doubt in my mind I wanted to see it again after walking out the first time. And this is a movie for everyone: adults, children (though keep in mind it is PG), furries and non-furries, whether you like action, drama, or humor, I feel confident you'll find something you'll love in this movie.
It's visually stunning. There is so much to absorb in every scene, and yet the animators did a top-notch job at making sure elements in the background never distracted from the story that's going on. Still, they clearly had a ton of fun and put a lot of work into building this amazing and beautiful world in which the story takes place! Zootopia is an astonishingly detailed world, and the movie only gives us one tiny slice of what that world has to offer. (I will be very disappointed if Disney doesn't do more with it. I'm talkin' sequels, shorts, books, and hopefully non-crappy TV and video game adaptations. There's plenty there to work with!)
The writing is so well done. There was never a moment I felt it was boring or too predictable. The humor is totally on point. Potty humor and slapstick are virtually non-existent in this film, because it doesn't need it. The dialogue is witty and every line is delivered flawlessly. There's plenty of situational humor as well as cleverly placed references, some obvious ones that make the whole theater chuckle, and other more hidden ones that make the small group of viewers who get it to burst out laughing. The entire film is so entertaining, even the more serious bits. The acting is also excellent and feels so authentic. I believed in every character that was on screen.
Finally, and most importantly, there are a couple of important messages to be gained from the film. Ugh, that sounds so preachy when I say it... you're just going to have to trust me. I don't think I can go into much detail without spoiling the plot a little bit, and I really don't want to spoil it because it is so good! Let's just say that this film in particular is able to deliver the message it does in a way that is so natural and approachable like I've seen very few films pull off in the past.
I know this simple review has been glowing and border-line superlative, but it's sincere. That's not to say the movie doesn't have flaws, because it does. But I won't go into them here, because (1) doing so would risk spoiling parts of the plot, and (2) they don't distract enough from the quality of the film to affect my general opinion of it. And I guess (3) I'm not always the best at noticing said flaws in the first place. I think you'll really love it though.
To wrap up, go and see it! Right now. And take the whole family. If possible, don't wait for it to come out in the dollar theater or on DVD. Trust me, it's well worth it!
Oh, and to all the Disney animators (because I know you all definitely read my comic religiously) thank you for doing such a stellar job! You guys totally nailed it! But seriously: virtual interactive Zootopia walk-through. Make it happen. :-)
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