If you backed
Aww, Feathers! Book 1 on Indiegogo and you have not heard from me yet that your package has been shipped,
please double check the address you supplied.
I'm in the middle of fulfilling Indiegogo perks and sending them out. I've already done quite a few, but unfortunately one backer gave me an invalid address. I won't reveal their identity online, but I will say that the address they supplied is from the state of California. If that sounds like you, or if you just want to double check and make sure I have the correct address for you, feel free to send me an email at awwfeathers@gmail.com. I've sent this person several emails, but haven't heard back, which makes me wonder if they even received them in the first place, so maybe check your spam folder while you're at it. I cannot send you your Indiegogo rewards if I don't have a valid address, which would be super sad...
from Aww, Feathers! Updates http://ift.tt/1SBcTxf